atmo 325 - Understanding and forecasting the weather

Numerical weather prediction / Weather forecasting

Professor: Benjamin Herman

Professor: Michael Leuthold

Centre or university: University of Arizona

Language used: English

Year: 2006

ATMO 451/551b - Introduction to Physical Meteorology

Atmospheric physics and dynamics

Professor: E

Centre or university: University of Arizona

Language used: English

Year: 2008

ATM 265 - The art of climate modelling

Climate variability, physics and dynamics

Professor: Paul A

Centre or university: UCDavis

Language used: English

Year: 2019

Cloud microphysics

Cloud physics

Professor: Claudia Emde

Centre or university: Ludwig Maximilians Universität München

Language used: English

Year: 2011

ATM S 431 - Boundary Layer Meteorology

Boundary layer meteorology

Professor: Robert Wood

Centre or university: University of Washington

Language used: English

Year: 2013

ATM 121 - Atmospheric dynamics

Atmospheric physics and dynamics

Professor: Paul A

Centre or university: UCDavis

Language used: English

Year: 2021

Atmospheric Sciences 321 - Science of Climate

Climate variability, physics and dynamics

Professor: Dennis L

Centre or university: University of Washington

Language used: English

Year: 2015

ATM 240 - General Circulation of the Atmosphere

General circulation

Professor: Richard Grotjahn

Centre or university: UCDavis

Language used: English

Year: 2019

ATM 622 - General Circulation of the Atmosphere

General circulation

Professor: Brian Tang

Centre or university: University of Albany

Language used: English

Year: 2019

ESS101C - Earth system change

Climate variability, physics and dynamics

Professor: Jin-Yi Yu

Centre or university: University of California, Irvine

Language used: English

Year: 2003

SO 254 - Introduction to meteorology

Introduction to meteorology

Professor: Bradford S

Centre or university: US naval academy

Language used: English

Year: 2017

ATOC 3500 - Air chemistry and pollution

Atmospheric chemistry

Professor: Darin W

Centre or university: University of Colorado Boulder

Language used: English

Year: 2018

mt301 - General meteorology

Introduction to meteorology

Professor: Dave Flory

Centre or university: Iowa state university

Language used: English

Year: 2022

Global Change: Humans in the Earth System

Climate variability, physics and dynamics

Professor: Matthew H

Centre or university: University of Wisconsin-Madison

Language used: English

Year: 2020

AOSC 630 - Statistical methods in meteorology and oceanography


Professor: Eugenia Kalnay

Centre or university: University of Maryland

Language used: English

Year: 2018

PCC 587 - Fundamentals of climate change

Climate variability, physics and dynamics

Professor: Dargan M

Centre or university: University of Washington

Language used: English

Year: 2013

mt341 - Atmospheric physics I

Atmospheric physics and dynamics

Professor: Xiaoqing Wu

Centre or university: Iowa state university

Language used: English

Year: 2022

Dinamical meteorology

Atmospheric physics and dynamics

Professor: Roger K

Centre or university: Ludwig Maximilians Universität München

Language used: English

Year: 2007/2014

Einführung in die Meteorologie Teil I (introduction to meteorology I)

Introduction to meteorology

Professor: Roger K

Centre or university: Ludwig Maximilians Universität München

Language used: German

Year: 2001

ATSC 5880 - Aircraft Instrumentation (for Atmospheric Measurements)

Cloud physics

Professor: Jeffrey French

Centre or university: University of Wyoming

Language used: English

Year: 2020

mt311 - Introduction to synoptic meteorology

Introduction to meteorology

Professor: Dave Flory

Centre or university: Iowa state university

Language used: English

Year: 2022

ATSC 231 Aviation meteorology (block 4)

Aviation weather

Professor: Fred Remer

Centre or university: University of North Dakota

Language used: English

Year: 2017

ATM 574b - Weather analysis and forecasting I

Atmospheric physics and dynamics

Professor: Christopher L

Centre or university: University of Arizona

Language used: English

Year: 2019

EPS 101 - Global warming science

Climate variability, physics and dynamics

Professor: Eli Tziperman

Centre or university: Harvard Unversity

Language used: English

Year: 2023

atmo 469b/569b - Air pollution II: aerosols

Atmospheric chemistry

Professor: Eric A

Centre or university: University of Arizona

Language used: English

Year: 2007

ATSC 231 Aviation meteorology (block 6)

Aviation weather

Professor: Fred Remer

Centre or university: University of North Dakota

Language used: English

Year: 2017

EAS 6145 - Remote sensing of the atmosphere and oceans

Remote sensing

Professor: Irina N

Centre or university: Georgia tech

Language used: English

Year: 2019

ATOC 1060 - Our changing environment

Climate variability, physics and dynamics

Professor: Darin W

Centre or university: University of Colorado Boulder

Language used: English

Year: 2021

ESS 414/514 - Geophysics fluids


Professor: Gerard Roe

Centre or university: University of Washington

Language used: English

Year: ¿?

ATMO 451b/551b - Introduction to physical meteorology

Atmospheric physics and dynamics

Professor: William C

Centre or university: University of Arizona

Language used: English

Year: 2009

Radiative transfer

Atmospheric radiation

Professor: Claudia Emde

Centre or university: Ludwig Maximilians Universität München

Language used: English

Year: 2010

PHY 292 - Introduction to Climate Physics

Climate variability, physics and dynamics

Professor: Till Wagner

Centre or university: University of Wisconsin-Madison

Language used: English

Year: ¿?

EAS 4803/8803 - Glacier and ice sheet dynamics


Professor: Alex Robel

Centre or university: Georgia tech

Language used: English

Year: 2021

Einführung in die Meteorologie Teil II (introduction to meteorology II)

Introduction to meteorology

Professor: Roger K

Centre or university: Ludwig Maximilians Universität München

Language used: German

Year: 2006

Meteorología sinóptica

Atmospheric physics and dynamics

Professor: Bradford S

Centre or university: Universidad nacional autónoma de México

Language used: Spanish

Year: ¿?

EAS 8802 - Clouds, aerosols & climate

Cloud physics

Professor: Irina N

Centre or university: Georgia tech

Language used: English

Year: 2016

mt227 - Computational meteorology


Professor: Dave Flory

Centre or university: Iowa state university

Language used: English

Year: 2022

AT 623 — Planetary boundary layer

Boundary layer meteorology

Professor: David A

Centre or university: Colorado State University

Language used: English

Year: 2020

Numerical Weather Prediction Module Library

Numerical weather prediction / Weather forecasting

Professor: Unknown

Centre or university: EuroMET

Language used: English

Year: 1999

EAS2655 - Quantitative Techniques (application in earth and atmosphric sciences)


Professor: Takamitsu Ito

Centre or university: Georgia tech

Language used: English

Year: 2019

ATSC 240 Meteorological Instrumentation


Professor: Fred Remer

Centre or university: University of North Dakota

Language used: English

Year: 2021

NWP Training Series Course 1: NWP Basics and Background

Numerical weather prediction / Weather forecasting

Professor: Unknown

Centre or university: METED/UCAR

Language used: English

Year: 2009

ATM 306 - Climate variability and change

Climate variability, physics and dynamics

Professor: Oliver Elison Timm

Centre or university: University of Albany

Language used: English

Year: 2016

EAS 8803 - Satellite Remote Sensing

Satellite meteorology

Professor: Irina N

Centre or university: Georgia tech

Language used: English

Year: 2017

A&OS 101 - Fundamentals of Atmospheric Thermodynamics and Dynamics

Introduction to meteorology

Professor: Robert Fovell

Centre or university: UCLA

Language used: English

Year: 2013

atmo 336 - Weather, climate and society


Professor: Dale Ward

Professor: Christina Stall

Professor: Christy King

Centre or university: University of Arizona

Language used: English

Year: 2006

Atmospheric Dynamics

Atmospheric physics and dynamics

Professor: Richard Kleeman

Centre or university: New York University

Language used: English

Year: 2008

Fluid Dynamics of the Atmosphere and Ocean

Atmospheric physics and dynamics

Professor: James Hansen

Centre or university: MIT

Language used: English

Year: 2004

ATMOS 5130 - Physical Meteorology II - Thermodynamics

Atmospheric thermodynamics

Professor: Gannet Hallar

Centre or university: University of Utah

Language used: English

Year: 2017

atmo 529 - Objective Analysis in the Atmospheric and Related Sciences


Professor: Christopher L

Centre or university: University of Arizona

Language used: English

Year: 2009

ph332 - Physics of Weather and Climate II

Atmospheric thermodynamics

Professor: David J

Centre or university: New Mexico Tech

Language used: English

Year: 2010

ESS227 - Geosphys fluid dynamics


Professor: Jin-Yi Yu

Centre or university: University of California, Irvine

Language used: English

Year: 2011

AT652 - Atmospheric Remote Sensing

Remote sensing

Professor: Christian Kummerow

Centre or university: Colorado State university

Language used: English

Year: 2022

ATMS 514/ESS 535 - Ice and Climate

Climate variability, physics and dynamics

Professor: Cecilia Bitz

Centre or university: University of Washington

Language used: English

Year: 2013

nats 101 - Introduction to weather and Climate (section 31 and 32)

Introduction to meteorology

Professor: Dale Ward

Centre or university: University of Arizona

Language used: English

Year: 2008

ESS 21 - On Thin Ice - Climate Change and the Cryosphere

Climate variability, physics and dynamics

Professor: Julie Ferguson

Centre or university: University of California, Irvine

Language used: English

Year: 2014

Micro meteorology

Boundary layer meteorology

Professor: Soren E

Centre or university: Danish technical university

Language used: English

Year: 2015

ATM S 442/504 - Atmospheric Motions II

Atmospheric physics and dynamics

Professor: Dargan M

Centre or university: University of Washington

Language used: English

Year: 2014

atms 748 - Atmospheric instrumentation


Professor: Pat Arnott

Centre or university: University of Nevada - Reno

Language used: English

Year: 2020

Fluid dynamics


Professor: Roger K

Centre or university: Ludwig Maximilians Universität München

Language used: English

Year: 2002

nats 101 - Introduction to weather and Climate (Section 3)

Introduction to meteorology

Professor: Steven L

Centre or university: University of Arizona

Language used: English

Year: 2009

atms 792 - Satellite remote sensing

Remote sensing

Professor: Pat Arnott

Centre or university: University of Nevada - Reno

Language used: English

Year: 2012

AT 745 — An Introduction to Global Atmospheric Modeling

Numerical weather prediction / Weather forecasting

Professor: David A

Centre or university: Colorado State University

Language used: English

Year: 2016

Short range prognosis: Kinematics

Numerical weather prediction / Weather forecasting

Professor: Unknown

Centre or university: METED/UCAR

Language used: English

Year: 2001

METR 3113 - Atmospheric Dynamics I

Atmospheric physics and dynamics

Professor: Kelvin K

Centre or university: University of Oklahoma

Language used: English

Year: 2016

atmo 336 - Weather, climate and society (Section 1 and 2)


Professor: Steven Mullen

Professor: Nathan Johnson

Centre or university: University of Arizona

Language used: English

Year: 2008

ESS 5 - The Atmosphere

Introduction to meteorology

Professor: Julie Ferguson

Centre or university: University of California, Irvine

Language used: English

Year: 2014

ESCI 485 - Air/Sea transfer


Professor: Alex DeCaria

Centre or university: Millersville university

Language used: English

Year: ¿?

AOSC 433/633 - Atmospheric Chemistry & Climate

Atmospheric chemistry

Professor: Ross Salawitch

Centre or university: University of Maryland

Language used: English

Year: 2017

atmo 336 - Weather, climate and society (Section 1 and 2)


Professor: Dale Ward

Professor: Jason Criscio

Professor: Christy King

Centre or university: University of Arizona

Language used: English

Year: 2007

ATOC/ASTR 5560 - Radiative Processes in Planetary Atmospheres

Atmospheric radiation

Professor: Irina N

Centre or university: Georgia tech

Language used: English

Year: 2002

METR 5113 - Advanced Atmospheric Dynamics I

Atmospheric physics and dynamics

Professor: Allan Shapiro

Centre or university: University of Oklahoma

Language used: English

Year: 2018

ATMOS 5200 - Cloud and Aerosol Physics

Cloud physics

Professor: Gannet Hallar

Centre or university: University of Utah

Language used: English

Year: 2017

p535 - Physics of lightning

Atmospheric electricity

Professor: Richard Sonnenfeld

Centre or university: New Mexico Tech

Language used: English

Year: 2016

ATSC 231 Aviation meteorology (block 3)

Aviation weather

Professor: Fred Remer

Centre or university: University of North Dakota

Language used: English

Year: 2017

ATMO 200 - Atmospheric Processes and Phenomenon

Introduction to meteorology

Professor: Alison Nugent

Centre or university: University of Hawaii at Mauna

Language used: English

Year: 2020

PHY2504S - Advanced Atmospheric Dynamics

Atmospheric physics and dynamics

Professor: Isla Simpson

Centre or university: University of Toronto

Language used: English

Year: 2010

nats 101 - Introduction to weather and Climate (Section 5)

Introduction to meteorology

Professor: E

Centre or university: University of Arizona

Language used: English

Year: 2009

AOSC 424 - Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere and Ocean

Remote sensing

Professor: Jim Carton

Centre or university: University of Maryland

Language used: English

Year: 2020

ATOC 5151(b) - Atmocpheric chemistry

Atmospheric chemistry

Professor: Darin W

Centre or university: University of Colorado Boulder

Language used: English

Year: 2019

METO 658B - Boundary Layer Meteorology

Boundary layer meteorology

Professor: Daniel Kirk-Davidoff

Centre or university: University of Maryland

Language used: English

Year: 2004

EAPS 53600 - General Circulation of the Atmosphere

General circulation

Professor: Dan Chavas

Centre or university: Purdue university

Language used: English

Year: 2020

AtmChem 5152 - Advanced atmospheric chemistry

Atmospheric chemistry

Professor: José Luís Jiménez

Centre or university: University of Colorado Boulder

Language used: English

Year: 2017

Physical Oceanography


Professor: Aneesh Subramanian

Centre or university: Oxford university

Language used: English

Year: 2016

ESS 1 - Introduction to Earth System Science

Climate variability, physics and dynamics

Professor: Julie Ferguson

Centre or university: University of California, Irvine

Language used: English

Year: 2013

Tropical meteorology

Tropical meteorology

Professor: Roger K

Centre or university: Ludwig Maximilians Universität München

Language used: English

Year: ¿?

nats 101 - Introduction to Weather and Climate (section 48)

Introduction to meteorology

Professor: Charles Weidman

Centre or university: University of Arizona

Language used: English

Year: 2006

ATM 562 - Numerical methods and modeling

Numerical weather prediction / Weather forecasting

Professor: Robert Fovell

Centre or university: University of Albany

Language used: English

Year: 2021

Atmospheric and ocean circulations

Atmospheric physics and dynamics

Professor: Alan Plumb

Centre or university: MIT

Language used: English

Year: 2004

ESCI 241 - Meteorology

Introduction to meteorology

Professor: Alex DeCaria

Centre or university: Millersville university

Language used: English

Year: ¿?

Statistische Klimatologie (Statistical climatology)


Professor: Henning Rust

Centre or university: Freie Universität Berlin

Language used: German

Year: 2022

ESS11 - Climate change and policy

Climate variability, physics and dynamics

Professor: Jin-Yi Yu

Centre or university: University of California, Irvine

Language used: English

Year: ¿?

AOS 610 - Geophysical Fluid Dynamics


Professor: Matthew H

Centre or university: University of Wisconsin-Madison

Language used: English

Year: 2022


Atmospheric physics and dynamics

Professor: Anthony J

Centre or university: Rutgers university

Language used: English

Year: 2014

SO 335 - Quantitative Methods for Meteorology and Oceanography


Professor: Bradford S

Centre or university: US naval academy

Language used: English

Year: 2020


Professor: Jim Steenburgh

Centre or university: Universität of Innsbruck

Language used: English

Year: 2019

EESCW4925 - Introduction to Physical Oceanography


Professor: Ryan Abernathey

Centre or university: Oxford university

Language used: English

Year: 2021

AOSC 614 - Atmospheric Modeling, Data Assimilation and Predictability

Numerical weather prediction / Weather forecasting

Professor: Eugenia Kalnay

Centre or university: University of Maryland

Language used: English

Year: 2022

ATS350 - Introduction to weather and climate

Introduction to meteorology

Professor: Steven Rutledge

Centre or university: Colorado State university

Language used: English

Year: 2022

EAS 8803 - Atmospheric Radiative Transfer

Atmospheric radiation

Professor: Irina N

Centre or university: Georgia tech

Language used: English

Year: 2018

Cloud Physics

Cloud physics

Professor: Bjorn Stevens

Centre or university: MPI

Language used: English

Year: 2010

ATS 441/541 - Atmospheric thermodynamics & cloud physics

Atmospheric thermodynamics

Professor: Kevin Knupp

Centre or university: University of Alabama in Huntsville

Language used: English

Year: 2009

nats 101 - Introduction to weather and Climate (section 2)

Introduction to meteorology

Professor: Charles Weidman

Professor: Dave Kofron

Professor: Tina Stall

Centre or university: University of Arizona

Language used: English

Year: 2007

EAS6140 - Thermodynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans

Atmospheric thermodynamics

Professor: Judith A

Centre or university: Georgia tech

Language used: English

Year: 2007

PHYS/OCEA 4411/5411 - Atmospheric Dynamics I

Atmospheric physics and dynamics

Professor: Ian Folkins

Centre or university: Dalhousie University

Language used: English

Year: 2020

Satellite meteorology

Satellite meteorology

Professor: Unknown

Centre or university: College of DuPage

Language used: English

Year: Unknown

ATOC 5050 - Introduction to Atmospheric Thermodynamics and Dynamics

Atmospheric thermodynamics

Professor: John Cassano

Centre or university: University of Colorado Boulder

Language used: English

Year: 2020

Meteorology guide

Introduction to meteorology

Professor: Unknown

Centre or university: University of Illinois - Urbana Campaign

Language used: English

Year: Unknown

ATMOCN 330 - Physics of the Atmosphere and Oceans I (Thermodynamics)

Atmospheric physics and dynamics

Professor: Mayra Oyola

Centre or university: University of Wisconsin-Madison

Language used: English

Year: 2022

nats 101 - Introduction to weather and Climate (section 30)

Introduction to meteorology

Professor: Eric A

Centre or university: University of Arizona

Language used: English

Year: 2008

EAS6490 - Advanced Environmental Data Analysis


Professor: Emanuele Di Lorenzo

Centre or university: Georgia tech

Language used: English

Year: 2022

ATSC 231 Aviation meteorology (block 1)

Aviation weather

Professor: Fred Remer

Centre or university: University of North Dakota

Language used: English

Year: 2017

AOSC 434 - Air Pollution

Atmospheric chemistry

Professor: Russell Dickerson

Centre or university: University of Maryland

Language used: English

Year: 2021

mt432 - Instrumentation and measurements


Professor: Dave Flory

Centre or university: Iowa state university

Language used: English

Year: 2013

ATMO 436a/536a - Fundamentals of Atmospheric Sciences

Introduction to meteorology

Professor: Christopher L

Centre or university: University of Arizona

Language used: English

Year: 2011

nats 101 - Introduction to meteorology and Climate

Introduction to meteorology

Professor: Steven L

Centre or university: University of Arizona

Language used: English

Year: 2006

atms 317 - Intermediate Meteorology and Weather Forecasting

Introduction to meteorology

Professor: Pat Arnott

Centre or university: University of Nevada - Reno

Language used: English

Year: ¿?

ESS55 - Earth's atmosphere

Introduction to meteorology

Professor: Jin-Yi Yu

Centre or university: University of California, Irvine

Language used: English

Year: 2017

ATS 150 - The science of global climate change

Climate variability, physics and dynamics

Professor: Scott Denning

Centre or university: Colorado State university

Language used: English

Year: 2014

METR 5004 - Fundamentals of Atmospheric Science

Introduction to meteorology

Professor: Steven Cavallo

Centre or university: University of Oklahoma

Language used: English

Year: 2013

ESCI 342 - Atmospheric dynamics I

Atmospheric physics and dynamics

Professor: Alex DeCaria

Centre or university: Millersville university

Language used: English

Year: ¿?

Moist convection

Cloud physics

Professor: Roger K

Centre or university: Ludwig Maximilians Universität München

Language used: English

Year: 2007

SO 414 - Oceanic and Atmospheric Processes

Atmospheric physics and dynamics

Professor: Bradford S

Centre or university: US naval academy

Language used: English

Year: 2010

ASME 231 - Numerical Weather Prediction

Atmospheric thermodynamics

Professor: Yuh-Lang Lin

Centre or university: North Carolina A&T State University

Language used: English

Year: 2021

ATM S 509/OCEAN 512 - Geophysical Fluid Dynamics I


Professor: Chris Bretherton

Centre or university: University of Washington

Language used: English

Year: 2014

ESS228 - Geosphys fluid dynamics


Professor: Jin-Yi Yu

Centre or university: University of California, Irvine

Language used: English

Year: 2017

nats 101 - Introduction to Weather and Climate (section 3)

Introduction to meteorology

Professor: Charles Weidman

Professor: Jason Criscio

Professor: Christy King

Centre or university: University of Arizona

Language used: English

Year: 2006

atms 749 - Radiation transfer

Atmospheric radiation

Professor: Pat Arnott

Centre or university: University of Nevada - Reno

Language used: English

Year: 2014

nats 101 - Introduction to weather and Climate (Section 4)

Introduction to meteorology

Professor: Xubin Zeng

Professor: Diana Stovern

Professor: Adam Gray

Centre or university: University of Arizona

Language used: English

Year: 2009

nats 101 - Introduction to weather and Climate (section 34)

Introduction to meteorology

Professor: E

Centre or university: University of Arizona

Language used: English

Year: 2007

Modelagem numérica da atmosfera - MNA

Numerical weather prediction / Weather forecasting

Professor: Enilson Palmeira Cavalcanti

Centre or university: Universidade federal de Campina Grande

Language used: Portuguese

Year: 2022


Atmospheric chemistry

Professor: Robert D

Centre or university: University of Maryland

Language used: English

Year: 2010

ESS200 - Global physical climatology

Climate variability, physics and dynamics

Professor: Jin-Yi Yu

Centre or university: University of California, Irvine

Language used: English

Year: 2022

nats 101 - Introduction to weather and Climate (section 30)

Introduction to meteorology

Professor: Charles Weidman

Centre or university: University of Arizona

Language used: English

Year: 2007

AST 853 - Numerical Weather Prediction

Numerical weather prediction / Weather forecasting

Professor: Yuh-Lang Lin

Centre or university: North Carolina A&T State University

Language used: English

Year: 2023

nats 101 - Introduction to meteorology and Climate (section 6)

Introduction to meteorology

Professor: E

Centre or university: University of Arizona

Language used: English

Year: 2006

ATM S 101 - Weather

Introduction to meteorology

Professor: Chris Bretherton

Centre or university: University of Washington

Language used: English

Year: 2012

ATM S 301 - Introduction to Atmospheric Sciences

Introduction to meteorology

Professor: Robert Wood

Centre or university: University of Washington

Language used: English

Year: 2015

nats 101 - Introduction to weather and Climate (section 31)

Introduction to meteorology

Professor: Charles Weidman

Centre or university: University of Arizona

Language used: English

Year: 2007

Boundary layer meteorology

Boundary layer meteorology

Professor: Roger K

Centre or university: Ludwig Maximilians Universität München

Language used: English

Year: 2006

atmo 336 - Weather, climate and society (Section 1 and 2)


Professor: Dale Ward

Professor: Jason Ninneman

Professor: Gouri Prabhakar

Centre or university: University of Arizona

Language used: English

Year: 2009

ATM S 591 - Aerosol-Cloud-Climate Interactions

Cloud physics

Professor: Robert Wood

Centre or university: University of Washington

Language used: English

Year: 2015

GG140 - The Atmosphere, the Ocean, and Environmental Change

Climate variability, physics and dynamics

Professor: Ronald B

Centre or university: Yale university

Language used: English

Year: 2011

ATM S 547 - Boundary Layer Meteorology

Boundary layer meteorology

Professor: Chris Bretherton

Centre or university: University of Washington

Language used: English

Year: 2018

ATMO 656b - Atmospheric radiation and remote sensing

Atmospheric radiation

Professor: E

Centre or university: University of Arizona

Language used: English

Year: 2009

atmo 336 - Weather, climate and society (Section 3)


Professor: E

Centre or university: University of Arizona

Language used: English

Year: 2007

Bounday layer meteorology

Boundary layer meteorology

Professor: Han van Dop

Centre or university: University of Utrech

Language used: English

Year: 2008

nats 101 - Introduction to weather and Climate (Section 2)

Introduction to meteorology

Professor: Charles Weidman

Professor: Jason Criscio

Professor: Anna Wonaschuetz

Centre or university: University of Arizona

Language used: English

Year: 2009

AOSC 637 - Atmospheric Chemistry

Atmospheric chemistry

Professor: Russell Dickerson

Centre or university: University of Maryland

Language used: English

Year: 2011

OCEA 4301/5241 - Sea Ice


Professor: Eric Oliver

Centre or university: Dalhousie University

Language used: English

Year: 2021

mt433 - Meteorological measurement laboratory


Professor: Dave Flory

Centre or university: Iowa state university

Language used: English

Year: 2022

ATSC 350 Atmospheric Thermodynamics

Atmospheric thermodynamics

Professor: Fred Remer

Centre or university: University of North Dakota

Language used: English

Year: 2015

SIOC 210 - Introduction to Physical Oceanography


Professor: Lynne Talley

Centre or university: University of California, San Diego

Language used: English

Year: 2019

Tropical meteorology

Tropical meteorology

Professor: Roger K

Centre or university: Ludwig Maximilians Universität München

Language used: English

Year: 2015

ESCI 343 - Atmospheric dynamics II

Atmospheric physics and dynamics

Professor: Alex DeCaria

Centre or university: Millersville university

Language used: English

Year: ¿?

Dynamics and Thermodynamics of Tropical Cyclones

Tropical meteorology

Professor: Roger K

Centre or university: Ludwig Maximilians Universität München

Language used: English

Year: 2013

Atm Sci 470 - Tropical meteorology

Tropical meteorology

Professor: Clark Evans

Centre or university: University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Language used: English

Year: 2022

AOSC 620 - Physics and Chemistry of the Atmosphere I

Atmospheric chemistry

Professor: Russell Dickerson

Centre or university: University of Maryland

Language used: English

Year: 2022

nats 101 - Introduction to Weather and Climate (section 2)

Introduction to meteorology

Professor: Charles Weidman

Professor: Jason Criscio

Professor: Christy King

Centre or university: University of Arizona

Language used: English

Year: 2006

EAS 6131 - Ocean modelling


Professor: Emanuele Di Lorenzo

Centre or university: Georgia tech

Language used: English

Year: 2018

MTMG49 - Boundary layer meteorology and Micrometeorology

Boundary layer meteorology

Professor: Robin Hogan

Centre or university: University of Reading

Language used: English

Year: 2005

METEO 300 - Fundamentals of Atmospheric Science

Introduction to meteorology

Professor: Kevin Bowley

Centre or university: The Pennsylvania state university

Language used: English

Year: ¿?

ATM 622 - General Circulation of the Atmosphere

General circulation

Professor: Brian Rose

Centre or university: University of Albany

Language used: English

Year: 2022

ATMOS 5140 - Atmospheric radiation

Atmospheric radiation

Professor: Gannet Hallar

Centre or university: University of Utah

Language used: English

Year: 2017

Teledetección aplicada a las ciencias

Remote sensing

Professor: José Carlos Antoranz Callejo

Professor: Daniel Rodríguez Pérez

Professor: Cristina Santa Marta Pastrana

Centre or university: UNED

Language used: Spanish

Year: 2015

Tropical Cyclones

Tropical meteorology

Professor: Roger K

Centre or university: Ludwig Maximilians Universität München

Language used: English

Year: ¿?

ATOC 3050 - Principles of weather

Introduction to meteorology

Professor: John Cassano

Centre or university: University of Colorado Boulder

Language used: English

Year: 2018

ATSC 210 Intro to Synoptic Meteorology

Introduction to meteorology

Professor: Fred Remer

Centre or university: University of North Dakota

Language used: English

Year: 2015

AOS 201C — Atmocpheric and oceanic turbulence

Boundary layer meteorology

Professor: James C

Centre or university: UCLA

Language used: English

Year: 2021

ESCI 341 - Atmospheric thermodynamics

Atmospheric thermodynamics

Professor: Alex DeCaria

Centre or university: Millersville university

Language used: English

Year: ¿?

Atm S 552 - Objective Analysis


Professor: Chris Bretherton

Centre or university: University of Washington

Language used: English

Year: 2015

ATM S 591 - Modeling the General Circulation of the Atmosphere

Numerical weather prediction / Weather forecasting

Professor: Dargan M

Centre or university: University of Washington

Language used: English

Year: 2016

atmo 469b/569b - Air pollution II: aerosols

Atmospheric chemistry

Professor: Eric A

Centre or university: University of Arizona

Language used: English

Year: 2006

nats 101 - Introduction to weather and Climate (section 7)

Introduction to meteorology

Professor: Charles Weidman

Professor: Dave Kofron

Professor: Tina Stall

Centre or university: University of Arizona

Language used: English

Year: 2007

Wave Motion in the Ocean and the Atmosphere

Atmospheric physics and dynamics

Professor: Paola Rizzoli

Centre or university: MIT

Language used: English

Year: 2008

PHY350 - Fluid mechanics


Professor: Till Wagner

Centre or university: University of Wisconsin-Madison

Language used: English

Year: ¿?

EAS4305/6305 - Physical and Chemical Oceanography


Professor: Takamitsu Ito

Centre or university: Georgia tech

Language used: English

Year: 2019

atmo 336 - Weather, climate and society (Section 1 and 2)


Professor: Dale Ward

Professor: Mike Stovern

Centre or university: University of Arizona

Language used: English

Year: 2009

METR 4323 - Weather Simulation with Computers

Numerical weather prediction / Weather forecasting

Professor: Brian Fiedler

Centre or university: University of Oklahoma

Language used: English

Year: 2018

METEO 3 - Introductory Meteorology

Introduction to meteorology

Professor: Steve Seman

Centre or university: The Pennsylvania state university

Language used: English

Year: ¿?

SO 441 - Synoptic Meteorology

Atmospheric physics and dynamics

Professor: Bradford S

Centre or university: US naval academy

Language used: English

Year: 2020

mt342 - Atmospheric physics II

Atmospheric physics and dynamics

Professor: Xiaoqing Wu

Centre or university: Iowa state university

Language used: English

Year: 2021

nats 101 - Introduction to weather and Climate (Section 3)

Introduction to meteorology

Professor: Charles Weidman

Professor: Genevieve Valliere-Kelley

Centre or university: University of Arizona

Language used: English

Year: 2009

AtmChem 5151 - Atmocpheric chemistry

Atmospheric chemistry

Professor: José Luíw Jiménez

Centre or university: University of Colorado Boulder

Language used: English

Year: 2013

ESS124 - Weather analysis


Professor: Jin-Yi Yu

Centre or university: University of California, Irvine

Language used: English

Year: 2022

ATM 574a - Weather analysis and forecasting I

Atmospheric physics and dynamics

Professor: Christopher L

Centre or university: University of Arizona

Language used: English

Year: 2018

nats 101 - Introduction to weather and Climate (section 32)

Introduction to meteorology

Professor: Xubin Zeng

Professor: Koichi Sakaguchi

Centre or university: University of Arizona

Language used: English

Year: 2007

atmo 336 - Weather, climate and society


Professor: Dale Ward

Professor: Patrick Shaw

Centre or university: University of Arizona

Language used: English

Year: 2006

ATM S 451 - Instruments and Observations

Remote sensing

Professor: Robert Wood

Centre or university: University of Washington

Language used: English

Year: 2015

Atm Sci 360 - Synoptic meteorology I

Atmospheric physics and dynamics

Professor: Clark Evans

Centre or university: University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Language used: English

Year: 2022

ph536 - Atmospheric Convection


Professor: David J

Centre or university: New Mexico Tech

Language used: English

Year: ¿?

atmo 325 - Understanding and forecasting the weather

Numerical weather prediction / Weather forecasting

Professor: Benjamin Herman

Professor: Michael Leuthold

Centre or university: University of Arizona

Language used: English

Year: 2007

ATMS 545 - General Circulation of the Atmosphere

General circulation

Professor: John M

Centre or university: University of Washington

Language used: English

Year: 2010

ATM 110 — Weather Observation & Analysis

Introduction to meteorology

Professor: Shu-Hua Chen

Centre or university: UCDavis

Language used: English

Year: 2013

EAS - Practical Computing for Geoscience


Professor: Alex Robel

Centre or university: Georgia tech

Language used: English

Year: 2022

Atmos 5210/6210 - Synoptic-Dynamic Meteorology II

Atmospheric physics and dynamics

Professor: Jim Steenburgh

Centre or university: University of Utah

Language used: English

Year: 2020

mt407 - Mesoscale dynamic meteorology

Atmospheric physics and dynamics

Professor: Bill Gallus

Centre or university: Iowa state university

Language used: English

Year: 2016

Einführung in die Meteorologie Teil III (introduction to meteorology III)

Introduction to meteorology

Professor: Roger K

Centre or university: Ludwig Maximilians Universität München

Language used: German

Year: 2004

ESS220 - Earth system climatology

Climate variability, physics and dynamics

Professor: Jin-Yi Yu

Centre or university: University of California, Irvine

Language used: English

Year: 2010

atms 360 - Atmospheric instrumentation


Professor: Pat Arnott

Centre or university: University of Nevada - Reno

Language used: English

Year: 2023

Fundamentals of Atmospheric Modelling

Numerical weather prediction / Weather forecasting

Professor: Peter Lynch

Centre or university: Met Éireann

Language used: English

Year: 2004

SO 442 - Tropical Meteorology

Tropical meteorology

Professor: Bradford S

Centre or university: US naval academy

Language used: English

Year: 2019

Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics

Atmospheric physics and dynamics

Professor: Ángel F

Centre or university: University of Wisconsin-Madison

Language used: English

Year: 2021

ATMOS 5000 - Introduction to atmospheric sciences

Atmospheric thermodynamics

Professor: Kevin Perry

Centre or university: University of Utah

Language used: English

Year: 2021

ATOC 5151(a) - Atmocpheric chemistry

Atmospheric chemistry

Professor: Darin W

Centre or university: University of Colorado Boulder

Language used: English

Year: 2016

Satellite Meteorology Module Library

Satellite meteorology

Professor: Unknown

Centre or university: EuroMET

Language used: English

Year: 1999

nats 101 - Introduction to weather and Climate (Section 2)

Introduction to meteorology

Professor: Charles Weidman

Professor: Brittany Ciancarelli

Professor: Jason Criscio

Centre or university: University of Arizona

Language used: English

Year: 2008

Atmospheric dynamics

Atmospheric physics and dynamics

Professor: Stephan Matthiesen

Centre or university: University of Edinburgh

Language used: English

Year: 2007

Atmos 5010 - Weather forecasting

Numerical weather prediction / Weather forecasting

Professor: Jim Steenburgh

Centre or university: University of Utah

Language used: English

Year: 2020

atmo 336 - Weather, climate and society (Section 1 and 2)


Professor: Dale Ward

Professor: Mike Stovern

Centre or university: University of Arizona

Language used: English

Year: 2008

ATOC 4720 - Introduction to Atmospheric Dynamics

Atmospheric physics and dynamics

Professor: John Cassano

Centre or university: University of Colorado Boulder

Language used: English

Year: 2021

12.815 - Atmospheric Radiation

Atmospheric radiation

Professor: Robert McClatchey

Professor: Ronald G Prinn

Centre or university: MIT

Language used: English

Year: 2006

Remote sensing

Remote sensing

Professor: Unknown

Centre or university: University of Illinois - Urbana Campaign

Language used: English

Year: Unknown

Radar and applications

Radar meteorology

Professor: Sarah Borg

Centre or university: US NOAA/NWS

Language used: English

Year: ¿?

Introduction to climate dynamics and climate modelling

Climate variability, physics and dynamics

Professor: Goosse H.

Professor: P.Y

Centre or university: Unversite catholique de Louvain

Language used: English

Year: 2010

Tropical meteorology

Tropical meteorology

Professor: Kerry Emanuel

Professor: Alison Wing

Centre or university: MIT

Language used: English

Year: 2011

ATS740 - Atmospheric Electricity

Atmospheric electricity

Professor: Steven Rutledge

Centre or university: Colorado State university

Language used: English

Year: 2019

AOSC 620 - Physics and Chemistry of the Atmosphere I

Cloud physics

Professor: Russell Dickerson

Centre or university: University of Maryland

Language used: English

Year: 2022

ATM 421 - Tropical meteorology

Tropical meteorology

Professor: Kristen Corbosiero

Centre or university: University of Albany

Language used: English

Year: Unknown

Fundamentos de radar meteorológico

Radar meteorology

Professor: (various authors)

Centre or university: METED/UCAR

Language used: Spanish

Year: ¿?

METR 4433 - Mesoscale meteorology

Atmospheric physics and dynamics

Professor: Kelvin K

Centre or university: University of Oklahoma

Language used: English

Year: 2017

Atmos 6250 - Mountain Meteorology


Professor: Jim Steenburgh

Centre or university: University of Utah

Language used: English

Year: 2017

EASc4602/6122 - Biochemical cycles

Atmospheric chemistry

Professor: Jennifer Glass

Centre or university: Georgia tech

Language used: English

Year: 2019

mt411 - Advanced synoptic meteorology

Atmospheric physics and dynamics

Professor: Bill Gallus

Centre or university: Iowa state university

Language used: English

Year: 2017

EES 3310/5310 - Global Climate Change

Climate variability, physics and dynamics

Professor: Jonathan Gilligan

Centre or university: Vanderbilt University

Language used: English

Year: 2022

12.003 - Atmosphere, Ocean and Climate Dynamics

Atmospheric physics and dynamics

Professor: Raffaele Ferrari

Centre or university: MIT

Language used: English

Year: 2010

nats 101 - Introduction to Weather and Climate (section 43)

Introduction to meteorology

Professor: Charles Weidman

Centre or university: University of Arizona

Language used: English

Year: 2006

ATSC 231 Aviation meteorology (block 2)

Aviation weather

Professor: Fred Remer

Centre or university: University of North Dakota

Language used: English

Year: 2017

EAS 4300/6124 - Introduction to Oceanography


Professor: Emanuele Di Lorenzo

Centre or university: Georgia tech

Language used: English

Year: 2021

AT 780 - Atmosphere's Response to Climate Change

Climate variability, physics and dynamics

Professor: Elizabeth A

Centre or university: Colorado State university

Language used: English

Year: 2014

Geophysical Fluid Dynamics II


Professor: Ángel F

Centre or university: University of Wisconsin-Madison

Language used: English

Year: 2021

EAE 4022/EAE 5022 - General Circulation of the Atmosphere

General circulation

Professor: Martin Singh

Centre or university: Monash university

Language used: English

Year: 2020

ATM 241 - Climate dynamics

Climate variability, physics and dynamics

Professor: Paul A

Centre or university: UCDavis

Language used: English

Year: 2020

nats 101 - Introduction to weather and Climate (section 29)

Introduction to meteorology

Professor: Charles Weidman

Professor: Jason Criscio

Professor: Tina Stall

Centre or university: University of Arizona

Language used: English

Year: 2008

ATSC 231 Aviation meteorology (block 5)

Aviation weather

Professor: Fred Remer

Centre or university: University of North Dakota

Language used: English

Year: 2017

ph589 - Geophysical Fluid Dynamics


Professor: David J

Centre or university: New Mexico Tech

Language used: English

Year: ¿?

AOS441 - Satellite meteorology

Satellite meteorology

Professor: Steven A

Centre or university: University of Wisconsin-Madison

Language used: English

Year: ¿?

Survey Meteorology

Introduction to meteorology

Professor: Peter Lynch

Centre or university: North Vermont University

Language used: English

Year: 2004

ATM 101 - The atmosphere

Introduction to meteorology

Professor: Kristen Corbosiero

Centre or university: University of Albany

Language used: English

Year: Unknown

ESCI 3XX - Radiative transfer

Atmospheric radiation

Professor: Alex DeCaria

Centre or university: Millersville university

Language used: English

Year: ¿?

ESCI 107/109 - The Atmosphere

Introduction to meteorology

Professor: Alex DeCaria

Centre or university: Millersville university

Language used: English

Year: ¿?

Lecture on radar meteorology

Radar meteorology

Professor: Scott M

Centre or university: SUNY Brockport

Language used: English

Year: ¿?

atmo 336 - Weather, climate and society (Section 1 and 2)


Professor: Dale Ward

Professor: Christy King

Centre or university: University of Arizona

Language used: English

Year: 2007

ESS5 - The atmosphere

Introduction to meteorology

Professor: Jin-Yi Yu

Centre or university: University of California, Irvine

Language used: English

Year: 2008

ATMO 489/589 - Atmospheric electricity

Atmospheric electricity

Professor: Charles D

Centre or university: University of Arizona

Language used: English

Year: 2009

METR 2023 - Introduction to meteorology II

Introduction to meteorology

Professor: David Stang

Centre or university: University of Oklahoma

Language used: English

Year: 2020

ESCI 340 - Cloud Physics and Precipitation Processes

Cloud physics

Professor: Alex DeCaria

Centre or university: Millersville university

Language used: English

Year: ¿?

ATOC 1050 - Weather and the Atmosphere - Severe and Hazardous Weather

Introduction to meteorology

Professor: Sarah Tessendorf

Centre or university: University of Colorado Boulder

Language used: English

Year: 2011

nats 101 - Introduction to weather and Climate (Section 2)

Introduction to meteorology

Professor: Charles Weidman

Professor: Genevieve Valliere-Kelley

Centre or university: University of Arizona

Language used: English

Year: 2009

Reading weather maps

Introduction to meteorology

Professor: Unknown

Centre or university: University of Illinois - Urbana Campaign

Language used: English

Year: Unknown

GR5400 - Dynamics of Climate Variability & Climate Change

Climate variability, physics and dynamics

Professor: Weston Anderson

Centre or university: University of Columbia

Language used: English

Year: 2020

Meteorologische Extremereignisse (Meteorological extreme events)


Professor: Henning Rust

Centre or university: Freie Universität Berlin

Language used: English

Year: 2022

ESS15 - Climate change

Climate variability, physics and dynamics

Professor: Jin-Yi Yu

Centre or university: University of California, Irvine

Language used: English

Year: 2018

ATM 255 — Numerical modelling of the atmosphere

Numerical weather prediction / Weather forecasting

Professor: Shu-Hua Chen

Centre or university: UCDavis

Language used: English

Year: 2008

AOSC / CHEM 433 & AOSC 633 - Atmospheric Chemistry & Climate

Atmospheric chemistry

Professor: Ross Salawitch

Centre or university: University of Maryland

Language used: English

Year: 2019

ATOC 3500 - Air Chemistry&Pollution

Atmospheric chemistry

Professor: Irina N

Centre or university: Georgia tech

Language used: English

Year: 2002

Introductory lectures for numerical weather prediction

Numerical weather prediction / Weather forecasting

Professor: Unknown

Centre or university: ECMWF

Language used: English

Year: 2002

AOS 202 - Introduction to ocean science


Professor: James C

Centre or university: UCLA

Language used: English

Year: 2021

ATSC 301 - Atmospheric radiation and remote sensing

Atmospheric radiation

Professor: Phil Austin

Centre or university: University of British Columbia

Language used: English

Year: 2018

AMath 586/Atm Sci 581 - Numerical Analysis of Time-Dependent Problems


Professor: Chris Bretherton

Centre or university: University of Washington

Language used: English

Year: 2012

Geophysical fluid dynamics

Atmospheric physics and dynamics

Professor: Nick Hall

Professor: Srena Illig

Centre or university: Laboratory of Space Geophysical and Oceanographic Studies

Language used: English

Year: 2022

ATM60 - Atmospheric physics and dynamics

Introduction to meteorology

Professor: Shu-Hua Chen

Centre or university: UCDavis

Language used: English

Year: 2005

ATMS 559 - Climate Modeling

Numerical weather prediction / Weather forecasting

Professor: Cecilia Bitz

Centre or university: University of Washington

Language used: English

Year: 2012

Radiation Transfer

Atmospheric radiation

Professor: Jean-Jacques Morcrette

Centre or university: ECMWF

Language used: English

Year: 2000

Stratospheric Ozone

Atmospheric chemistry

Professor: Unknown

Centre or university: NASA

Language used: English

Year: 2000

Survey of meteorology class notes

Introduction to meteorology

Professor: Nolan Atkins

Centre or university: Lyndon State College

Language used: English

Year: 2014

mt404 - Global change

Climate variability, physics and dynamics

Professor: William J

Centre or university: Iowa state university

Language used: English

Year: 2015

AMath 482/582 - Computational Methods for Data Analysis


Professor: Chris Bretherton

Centre or university: University of Washington

Language used: English

Year: 2014

ATMO 620 - Physical meteorology

Introduction to meteorology

Professor: Giuseppe Torri

Centre or university: University of Hawaii

Language used: English

Year: 2020

NWP Training Series Course 1: NWP Basics and Background

Numerical weather prediction / Weather forecasting

Professor: Unknown

Centre or university: METED/UCAR

Language used: English

Year: 2009

nats 101 - Introduction to weather and Climate (Section 3)

Introduction to meteorology

Professor: Charles Weidman

Professor: Brittany Ciancarelli

Professor: Jason Criscio

Centre or university: University of Arizona

Language used: English

Year: 2008

ATM S 535 - Cloud physics and dynamics

Cloud physics

Professor: Robert Wood

Centre or university: University of Washington

Language used: English

Year: 2017?

Atmospheric Sciences 6220 - Boundary layer meteorology

Boundary layer meteorology

Professor: Steve Krueger

Centre or university: University of Utah

Language used: English

Year: 2018

EAS 4610 - Earth system modelling

Numerical weather prediction / Weather forecasting

Professor: Alex Robel

Centre or university: Georgia tech

Language used: English

Year: 2022

AT 605 - General Circulation of the Atmosphere

General circulation

Professor: David A

Centre or university: Colorado State University

Language used: English

Year: 2010

SO 244 - Basic atmospheric processes

Introduction to meteorology

Professor: Bradford S

Centre or university: US naval academy

Language used: English

Year: ¿?

Lecture on jet streams

Atmospheric physics and dynamics

Professor: Scott M

Centre or university: SUNY Brockport

Language used: English

Year: ¿?

AT 604 — Atmospheric modelling

Numerical weather prediction / Weather forecasting

Professor: David A

Centre or university: Colorado State University

Language used: English

Year: 2021

ESCI 344 - Tropical meteorology

Tropical meteorology

Professor: Alex DeCaria

Centre or university: Millersville university

Language used: English

Year: ¿?

Atmos 5110/6110 - Synoptic-Dynamic Meteorology I

Atmospheric physics and dynamics

Professor: Jim Steenburgh

Professor: Mike Wessler

Centre or university: University of Utah

Language used: English

Year: 2019

Advanced dynamical meteorology

Atmospheric physics and dynamics

Professor: Roger K

Centre or university: Ludwig Maximilians Universität München

Language used: English

Year: 2002

ESS23: Air Pollution and Global Environments

Atmospheric chemistry

Professor: Saewung Kim

Centre or university: University of California, irvine

Language used: English

Year: 2013

ESS210B - Geoscience Data Analysis


Professor: Jin-Yi Yu

Centre or university: University of California, Irvine

Language used: English

Year: 2003

Met 200 - Atmospheric Processes and Phenomena

Introduction to meteorology

Professor: Steven Businger

Centre or university: University of Hawai'i at Mãnoa

Language used: English

Year: 2013

AOSC 652 - Analysis Methods in Atmospheric and Oceanic Science


Professor: Ross Salawitch

Centre or university: University of Maryland

Language used: English

Year: 2016

nats 101 - Introduction to weather and Climate (section 33)

Introduction to meteorology

Professor: Charles Weidman

Professor: Jason Criscio

Professor: Tina Stall

Centre or university: University of Arizona

Language used: English

Year: 2008

ASME 434 - Atmospheric Dynamics II

Atmospheric physics and dynamics

Professor: Yuh-Lang Lin

Centre or university: North Carolina A&T State University

Language used: English

Year: 2023